Sunday, December 1, 2019


You can specify the age of the registered subject, stamp the age of the subject onto your photos, change the focus icon for a particular person, and playback only the photos that contain a certain face. Panasonic have tried to make things as easy as possible for the complete beginner by providing this shooting mode, which allows you to point and shoot the camera without having to worry about choosing the right mode or settings. You can also use the zoom lens during recording and really make the most of that mm focal range. You can still access all of these options from the main menu system too. It takes about 1 second to store an image, allowing you to keep shooting as they are being recorded onto the memory card, with a delay of 0. You don't notice that the camera is actually doing anything different when anti-shake is turned on, just that you can use slower shutter speeds than normal and still take sharp photos. panasonic lumix tz22 software

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This dial is a typical feature of SLR cameras, and enables you to quickly change between the various modes.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ22 - digital camera - Leica Specs - CNET

The camera automatically sets the appropriate shutter speed AND ISO speed for the subject that you are taking pictures of. The TZ20 actually has a There are some obvious drawbacks with this special scene mode, principally a significant increase in noise and blurring - Panasonic state that "Pictures may appear slightly grainy due to high sensitivity". Even when set to mm, the lens doesn't extend too far from the front of the TZ20, making it look to all intents and purposes like a "normal" compact camera.

Sadly there's still no support for the RAW file format, which would really have been the icing on the cake for serious photographers looking for a backup-pocket camera to their DSLR. The TZ20 has a couple of new additions to its Intelligent Auto mode. As mentioned previously, the addition of the Quick Menu button on the rear of the camera speeds up access to some of the more commonly used options.

If you're feeling a little down, the Happy Mode boosts the color, saturation and brightness to give you a warm glow inside but not a terribly accurate picture. Most of the camera's main options, such as white balance, image quality, auto-focus mode and ISO speed, are accessed here, so the Record menu has 22 options spread over 5 screens, the Motion Picture menu 5 options over 1 screen, the Travel Mode menu 6 options over 2 screens, and the Setup menu has 23 options spread over 5 screens.

The TZ20 offers stereo sound, with the left and right mics located to the left of the Mode dial. This enables the camera to offer much faster continuous shooting rates and higher-quality HD video that its predecessor.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ20 Review | Photography Blog

If the subject exits the frame entirely, simply recompose and tap it again to start focusing. You don't notice that the camera is actually doing anything different when anti-shake is turned on, just that you can use slower shutter speeds than normal and still take sharp photos.

There's also a special airplane mode which only keeps GPS on when the camera is osftware on. It is a little too easy to tz222 press the screen and set the focus point to the wrong area for the current subject, but a simple tap in the middle of the LCD will center the AF point or you can turn this feature off altogether.

Panasonic also provide a High Sensitivity Mode to help combat the effects of camera shake.

panasonic lumix tz22 software

The DMC-TZ20 also has a built-in database of over 1 million known landmarks around the world, which it uses to try and tag each image if enabled. When selected, the camera instructs you to pan 10cms from left to right, during which it takes 20 consecutive shots at high-speed, another benefit of the LIVE MOS sensor. There is no optical viewfinder, which does make the camera a little harder to keep steady at the telephoto end of the zoom than holding it up to your eye.

There's also a CUST option that allows you save up to three camera configurations, which is very handy if you often use the camera for different subjects or situations. The difference isn't quite so apparent on a print up to A3 in size, but I'm not convinced enough to recommend it except when you really need the extra reach - it undoubtedly improves on the digital zoom, but tz22 so much that I'd regularly use it.

If you softsare never used a digital camera before, or you're soctware from a more basic model, reading the easy-to-follow manual before you start is a good idea, especially as a few of the buttons are specific to Panasonic cameras. Turn it on and the Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ20 automatically compensates for camera shake, which is a slight blurring of the image that typically occurs at slow shutter speeds when the camera is hand held.

S system, which helps to ensure that the majority of photos taken in good light are sharp. Intelligent Exposure can also be turned on in the Normal Picture mode but strangely not Digital Red-eye. The design is dominated by the 16x lens on the front and the large 3 inch LCD screen on the rear.

When used in combination with the Wind Cut menu option, this makes a real difference to the sound quality in movies. Stereo sound is recorded during capture, helped by the wind cut function and audio sampling at 48kHz.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ22 - digital camera - Leica Specs

Impressive stuff that makes focusing on off-center subjects fast and intuitive. Note that the camera does struggle to lock onto the subject at the tele-photo end of the lens in low-light situations. You can only view the results on a 3D TV the TZ20 records standard MPO filesand although it isn't as effective as images taken with Panasonic's 3D Micro Four Thirds lens or the Fujifilm 3D W3, for example, it does create quite a convincing effect which particularly suits subjects that are close-up to the camera.

On the negative side, you'll find that the lens zooms more slowly than when shooting a still image, and if you choose continuous auto-focus, areas of the video will be blurred before becoming sharp again as the camera tries to refocus, although this has been improved when compared to the TZ An Auto setting is also available if you're not sure which one to use.

This mode allows you to handhold the camera without using the flash and get more natural results, whilst at the same time freezing subject movement more successfully.

The TZ20 also implements A, S and M exposure modes for creative photographers, in addition to Intelligent Auto and a variety of scene modes for beginners. It takes about 1 second to store an image, allowing you to keep shooting as they are being recorded onto the memory card, with a delay of 0.

panasonic lumix tz22 software

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