Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Looking forward to the rest of the show. I got back in bed, and was like, damn, my toe really hurts, hmmmm, it's not supposed to look like that. I am exhausted, though, and probably going to crawl into bed in a bit. I'm used to the routine, even though my boots have been hung up. But I know they sang in French at least most of the time. NGH, I'm not tryin' to hear that, yo. tony mix pwent pye

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Private Issue New Age in America, After a friend gave me something to medicate myself, I put it back in joint, and it still was extremely unfun, but felt so much better afterwards. I may or may not have a dislocated pinky, wpent I feel your pain.

I'm used to the routine, even though my boots have been hung up. Parq, whoops, you are correct! I am exhausted, though, and probably going to crawl into bed in a bit. Likewise; thanks a ton for the fine sounds!

Toe slings would be pretty cool though.

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I got back in bed, pwentt was like, damn, my toe really hurts, hmmmm, it's not supposed to look like that. Parq, French from Madagascar! Hit in the mafia sense. I know, I'm sorry! I am super loving this song.

Enable Javascript for more options! I play the instru side, love dat.

Tonymix pwent pye

Holly, that's the point where I'd switch to takeout for a month. Biggest cooking klutz ever. They will think you're insane. Got sucked into the original for a spell there.

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Escandalo en la Familia. Have a great night everyone! D This Black Sites cut is teh shiz.

tony mix pwent pye

You really can't do anything about toe injuries, except tape to another toe for support. Try and explain "operator" to an elementary school child. Why it's on an album called "They Sing in Spanish" is anybody's guess.

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There's a great scene in the Bollywood film Company, wherein you get a birds-eye view of the city and hear different cell phone rings, indicating word going out about a particular hit, if I remember correctly. Via soccer, I've broken many of them.

tony mix pwent pye

Bild Aus Dem Kriege I. Yes, I know how early it is They put out a lot of Legowelt projects. A weekly adventure in phonography: The Oriental Beat Goes On. Pwwent Other Side Part 2.

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Make radio love, not war! The Pop Vocal Version. I recommend a toe crutch.

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