Sunday, December 1, 2019


Stories Hall of Fame. Plus the developer is probably the nicest and most responsive developer I've ever come accross, so if you're stuck don't worry. Every now and then a developer comes along who not only turns out a quality product, but continues to work on it; is responsive and polite; and works with his customers to improve the product. Further, go visit the forum, and you can see how "Sunny" the developer and his customers actually get along. Sign up using Facebook. Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality. nimblekit

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Having said nimblekti, it's possible to use Obj C in addition to javascript - which makes it incredibly powerful. Send support requests to [email]support coronalabs.

NimbleKit: Native iPhone apps with HTML and JavaScript

Note that your submission may not appear immediately on our site. Since the iPhone SDK allows you to test on the Simulator without registering as a developer, you can actually put the entire process to the test before spending a cent well, after the purchase of a Mac and the broadband line you'll need to download the SDK For business type apps, we can do a lot of biz stuff like https: I've personally had bugs fixed and new features nimblekkit upon request in as little as a few hours longest time to bug fix I've seen is about 2 weeks.

Also, I had a small feature request -- and that was implimented within a week of posting it! If you're packing a little JavaScript-fu but not much Objective-C knowledge, and itching to jump nimbleekit the App Store bandwagon, NimbleKit may be the answer you're looking for. The Javascript side is fine as it is unless you want to get a result, more on that belowbut to the target Objective-C class, add the following to the header:.

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I had spent some time and found one of the corona user also using nimble kit. Even if you know ObjC and Cocoa well enough you might still want to use NimbleKit to deliver quickly. You can also do some styling with the HTML.

Anyone know if this is still supported? Bugfix release Improved iOS 5 support. Thank You for Submitting a Reply,!


Several functions may not work. This is an excellent toolkit.

Corona vs Nimblekit? - Daily Builds and Public Releases - Corona Labs Forums

I've been working for a month now on my first app quite a big one, so will be while until completely done but I'm blown away about the simplicity of the framework. My company is going to release three NimbleKit-based applications into AppStore soon. Flaming or offending other users. Sign up using Email and Password. I have 3 apps on the app store approved and 3 more on the way. It is better than Nimblekt and Quickconnect sorry guys.


It does this like so:. Develop apps for iOS devices. Sexually explicit or offensive language.

Go to reviews 9. The learning curve is very small because I can apply my knowledge on web apps to create professional apps on the iPhone. If you have a little Objective-C in your blood, you might become frustrated, not being able to tap NimbleKit's functionality from outside of the HTML setup.

I wonder what that is.

NimbleKit: Native iPhone apps with HTML and JavaScript

Watch my YouTube video: Nimhlekit this still exist? Lastly, there's a really useful companion book out by Kristofer Layon which is incredibly helpful to get you started and to take you though all the tedious litte steps involved in setting up your developer account, generating certificates etc.

You don't need to know Objective-C or to be an experienced programmer. Intel 32 Mac OS X

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